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BRUSA team has been providing state of the art detailing services for the past 20 years.  Our experienced team works very closely with the client to deliver the best quality drawings with utmost precision and accuracy.   Our procedures and second to none to support steel fabrication in the shop and erection in the field. 

Steel Detailing & Modeling


 - 3D Models

 - Shop Drawings

 - Erection Plans/Gather Sheets

 - Advanced Bill of Material (ABM)

 - Anchor Bolt Reports

 - DSTV Files for Cutting & Drilling

 - DXF Files for Plate work

 - Field Bolt Point to Point Reports

Project Tracking Using BIM


Our team utilizes BIM interactive model to track the proect progress at its various stages in real time.  This BIM model is then shared with all the parties involved to help them see the progress in real time. 


Process:  Our team feeds data back to the model at IFC, Review, Fabrication and erection stage.  We make each stage of the project with different color codes which change per the status in real time.

Change Management


Our change management procedure works as follow:


 - Mark all RFIs in the model with their number and response

 - Mark all revisions with specific color code

 - Issue a list of the affected members

 - Issue a Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM)

 - Provide a revised delivery schedule

Connection Design


 - Connection Mapping Sketches

 - Stamped Connection Calculations

 - Stamped Approval Drawings

Tel: +1 443.896.3441

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